Strengthening Self Care and Immunity Course.
Soulful Living is delighted to announce the launching of its “Strengthening Self Care and Immunity course”. Self care and building immunity has never been more important. Emer set up Soulful Living in order to help people improve their health and strengthen immunity through coaching, mindful movement and shiatsu. She is now delighted to bring her work online in order to make her work readily available for all.
The joy of her wellbeing course is that everything is in one place. It is emailed on to you in the form of 12 videos approx 1 hour each in length. You will also be emailed on an e-book guide to the programme. The programme is easily accessible to you at any time which creates such ease. Its so important to have health and wellbeing tools that are easily accessible. This is particularly important if people are unwell. In such circumstances, people need things that do not add complications into their lives. This course can be accessed quickly and easily with the click of a finger.
The course consists of:
-Nourishing, relaxing and immunity strengthening Mindful movement along with a full body relaxation.
-Relaxing, calming and uplifting meditations (Introductory meditations, inner smile uplifting meditation and a nurturing meditation to bring joy to your heart).
-Nurturing, strengthening and immunity building shiatsu self massage (An entirely relaxing 40 min self massage with the main acupunctural points for stimulating wellbeing).
-Coaching Material on boundaries and boundary building in relation to health and wellbeing. Good boundaries are crucial to health and wellbeing in body and mind.
The programme enables you to nurture yourself through loving and mindful touch with shiatsu self massage and immunity building self massage. Shiatsu is based on the wise wisdom of ancient Chinese Medicine which predates our Western model and is akin to acupuncture without the needles. So effective, loving and soothing for the body. The meditation programme within will provide you with soothing meditations that you can access to calm and soothe the body and mind and get you smiling and breathing regardless of what challenges you face in life. Her Mindful Movement programme is filmed near trees in a stunning location. Be transported into the heart of nature to be surrounded by birdsong, wellbeing and the nourishing movements which Emer will guide you through with ease. In today’s world, what we let in and keep out of our energy field is crucial to our wellbeing and Emer will provide a wellbeing programme on coaching you to understand the benefits of better boundaries.
With this programme, you can access it at any time and watch it as many times as you want so you are in complete control. No need to turn up for classes or be constrained by a certain time or place. This is about you and empowering you. This programme was loving prepared with care and is here to serve your needs and help make these therapies easily accessible to you. It is all about you, your wellbeing, feeling better in body and mind and strengthening your immunity. Now is the time to take control, empower yourself and access the better health and immunity you deserve with ease. Emer has seen time and again with clients and her own health that consistent use of these therapies can really lead to huge wellbeing that would otherwise not be possible. “I am what I choose to become”
Cost of Course: Current special rate to create ease in current climate 40 euros
Email: to order your copy